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Noise Level/ Exposure Testing and Survey

Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Services

Noise continues to be a health hazard in workplaces. The Ontario Ministry of Labour (MOL) regulations specify the level of noise allowed during the work day and when hearing protection or noise controls are required.

Our company has performed numerous noise studies and we use the latest electronic survey equipment to collect data. There are two basic types of surveys that can be performed: a noise level survey and a noise exposure survey.

Quite often, both types of surveys are done in conjunction with each other. If you have never had a noise level survey done before, then you may want a “Baseline” study done, so that you know where your company stands.

Any time a process changes, it is advisable to resurvey the noise to see how it affects your employees. If it turns out that your company has a noise problem, then you’ll need a hearing conservation program that will protect your employees’ hearing.

Designated Substances Survey

Noise Survey

Workplace Noise Testing & Surveys

Does your workplace have an acceptable noise level?

  • Noise Level Survey
  • Noise Exposure Survey

Noise level surveys are conducted using a sound level meter (SLM). Noise levels are measured throughout a workplace and recorded on a floor plan or in a report table. Noise levels above 85 decibels (dBA) require further investigation. In Ontario, it is mandatory to wear hearing protection when employee daily noise exposure is 85 dBA or more. If it turns out that your company has a noise problem, then a Hearing Conservation Program is recommended to protect your employees’ hearing.

Any time a process changes, it is advisable to resurvey the noise to see how it affects your employees. It is recommended that a company do a “Baseline” noise level survey if one has not been done in the past. In instances where noise levels exceed 85 dBA, it is further recommended to do a noise exposure survey.

Air Quality Survey

Noise Dosimeter

When a noise level survey shows that noise levels exceed 85dBA, it is recommended that a noise exposure survey be conducted. These surveys are conducted using noise exposure monitors. Employee noise exposures are measured for various work processes within a workplace. In Ontario, it is mandatory to wear hearing protection when employee daily noise exposure is 85 dBA or more.

Noise exposure monitoring is for the duration of the work shift. It leads to a single average noise exposure, which can be compared simply with the noise exposure standard. Noise exposure samples also include a noise versus time computer printout to see how the noise varies over the work shift.